Membership is limited to 400 and is open to members of Rett UK, their relatives, friends and supporters.
- Each share costs £12.00 for the year and you may buy a maximum of 20 shares.
- A number will be allocated for each share you buy and all numbers are entered into the monthly prize draws.
- Approximately 50% of the income each year will be paid out in prizes and the balance will go into Rett UK’s funds.
- The prize draws are made at meetings of the Executive Committee of Rett UK and the winning numbers and names will be published in Rett News.
- There will be 11 monthly prizes of £40, £30 and £20 and if we have a full membership of 400 top prizes will be drawn for the month of October of at least £400, £300 and £150. Top prizes will vary depending on membership numbers.
If you would like to buy some numbers and be in the monthly draws for 2025 please visit 400 Club to sign up. Any questions please contact
Rett UK is sincerely grateful to Yvonne Oliver who started the ‘200 Club’ back in 1996 to hold monthly prize draws whilst raising funds for the charity. In 2008 we grew into a ‘300 Club’ and in 2023 became a ‘400 Club’. Since 1996 prize monies of £30,900 have been won and the total raised for Rett UK is over £45,200.