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A premises specific fire risk assessment for a small company or charity. By appointment.

A premises specific fire risk assessment for a small company or charity. By appointment.

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A premises specific fire risk assessment for a small company or charity. By appointment.

Providing full consultation and fire risk assessment of the business/premises backed by a third party independent approved body. Will provide full fire risk assessment report with recommendations for improvement and advice on how to achieve it. England wide.

Estimate: £700-£900
Kindly provided by: Donated by Potter Raper Ltd. Peter Davis, Senior Health, Safety & Fire Consultant. 07851 740615 -

Payment: - Bank Transfer - Credit/Debit Card - Paypal - Cheque
(Details of how to pay will be sent to the winning bidder)

Starting at £100.00

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  • Ending Date - 07th Jun 2020 11:00:00

Auction closed

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    Wire Transfer Bank details will be provided to the auction winner via email.

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