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Rett Syndrome Awareness Month October 2020

This is our chance to make a lot of noise about Rett syndrome, sharing stories that inform, educate and engage people who can help us improve the lives of people living with Rett syndrome and their families. And to raise some much-needed funds for Rett UK.

How can you get involved this year?

Key Number Challenge Logo Cut Out

Key Number Challenge Logo final

This October, Rett UK is inviting you to take part in our key number challenge and help raise awareness about the devastating impact that the syndrome has on those directly affected and their families. Rett UK has been supporting the Rett syndrome community for 36 years and we believe that only by people really understanding the true nature of the disorder will we be able to win over new hearts and minds who will join us in searching for better solutions to a host of difficulties encountered on a daily basis.

The challenge comprises of three key numbers that are important to the Rett community:

1,500 – The number of people with Rett syndrome we estimate there would be in the UK if they were all diagnosed.

10,000 – The prevalence of Rett syndrome in females is around 1;10,000.

40,000 – The prevalence of Rett syndrome in males is around 1:40,000.

The idea
You pick one of the key numbers and take part in your own custom challenge based round this number. That could be anything from losing 1500 grams of weight, running for 10,000 seconds or cycling 40,000m over the course of October. No idea or goal is too crazy and you are welcome to do it on your own, or involve friends, family or work colleagues – the choice is yours! So Run, Walk, Push, Cycle – miles, kilometres, steps, it all counts!




Flag Graphic
Looking for something less active:

mini graphicCake, cake, cake…

Purple is the name of the game!

We will have purple food dye, recipe cards and Rett UK logo cake toppers for the baking enthusiasts amongst you. Perhaps a school or work cake sale, an afternoon tea with friends?



Purple PumpkinPurple pumpkins

As you head towards the end of October you also have Halloween of course!

Purple Pumpkins can look amazing and are great fun to do. If you are a Facebook user, why not share a photo of your Purple Pumpkin, with a few lines about why support for Rett UK is so important to you?


rett syndrome awarness month oct 19Download our Rett Syndrome Awareness Logo & Information leaflet

 Rett Syndrome Awareness Logo >>
 Rett Syndrome Awareness Info >>



mini graphic 2Follow us on social media and use our hashtags 

What is the biggest challenge your daughter/son faces on a daily basis?
Share a social media post and photo of your daughter/son

#LivingWithRettSyndrome   #RettSyndromeAwareness    #RettUK

Write a guest blog for our web site –

#LivingWithRettSyndrome – approximately 250 words and a photo – email to

Got your own idea of what you would like to do?

Don’t forget to let us know what you have planned and we can support you with fundraising and promotional materials. Talk to us and we will help you every step of the way.

We would love to see some photos and hear how it went for future Rett News – please share with

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