🗓 Thursday 19th December
⏰ 19:00 - 20:00
🔗 On Zoom (link below)
These sessions will be facilitated by our RCCs, with activities and topics steered by the interests of the group!
There is no need for a formal communication system to be in place, any form of communication can be used (e.g. no tech, paper-based, eye gaze device). And there is absolutely no pressure or requirement to speak up - you can just come along and listen.
This is open to anybody over the age of 18 with Rett syndrome. Each person with Rett syndrome needs to be accompanied by a supporter.
To join our session, simply click on the following link:
🔗 https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86067968722?pwd=KHhWBKbwkXGaXSk4WFYMCE02FWyrjh.1
If you have any questions or issues please get in touch 💜💚
#RettUK #RettSyndrome #PeerGroupForAdults