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Support helpline: 01582 798911 other ways to get in contact

Could Your Business Help Us?

Could your business help us?

Your help will make a huge difference to the Rett families we support.

We’re always happy to receive charitable donations towards the almost £400,000 annual cost needed to provide our support services. And your business or organisation can help us in other ways, too.

  • choose us as your Charity of the Year
  • have our Rett UK collection boxes in your workplace
  • encourage your staff to volunteer at our fundraising events
  • challenge your employees to a Tough Mudders or team-building event

And we’re always open to new ideas – so if you have a great way of raising money while boosting your business profile let us know!

* To discuss how you could help, please contact Becky Jenner, Rett UK’s Chief Executive Officer, on 01582 798910 or 

[note to designer – could we have this in a separate panel with room to add to the list?] 

Thank you to…

* The Better Half Pub, Hove – raising money through their collection boxes

* Banstead May Queen Fayre, Surrey – £xx raised as their Charity of the Year

* The Gentleman’s Baristas, London – raising money in support of a sponsored cycle ride

*The EuroMarket in Luton – have 2 collection boxes at their checkouts


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