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Our professional family support team at Rett UK are here to help you have your voice heard on the issues that are important to you. We want to make sure that your views and wishes are considered when important decisions are being made about your role as a carer or for the person with Rett syndrome you are supporting.

Advocacy is a process of supporting and enabling people to:

  • Express their views
  • Access information and services
  • Defend and promote rights and responsibilities
  • Explore choices and options

As a parent carer, you will likely be advocating for your daughter or son who has Rett syndrome. We can help you by providing advocacy statements to strengthen your case. For example, why having access to a robust communication system is so important for people with Rett syndrome or why having a base line ECG is essential.

Rett UK have over 35 years of experience of providing advocacy to people dealing with the everyday challenges of living with Rett syndrome. For more information please email or telephone 01582 798 910.


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