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Regional Roadshows

Niamh and familyWe like to get out and about to meet as many of you in the Rett community as we can. That’s why we hold regional roadshows around the country which are free to families and any professionals involved in supporting the person with Rett syndrome.

A big part of our roadshows is getting families together so you can share your experiences, pass on tips and give each other support. It’s wonderful seeing friendships forged and information and advice being passed around.

Informative presentations

Our roadshows are a great opportunity to pick up new information from our panel of experts. Throughout the day we run 45-minute presentations on a range of Rett-related topics such as breathing issues, communication and education, epilepsy, adult living options and music therapy.

1-2-1 sessions

Book a 1-2-1 session with our Rett UK experts and you’ll have chance to try out eye gaze technology, learn about music therapy, discover oral hygiene tips for those who are tube fed, have a communication strategy session – and lots more.

Help for siblings

We hold two training workshops dedicated to non-Rett siblings. One workshop is aimed at parents to help support their relationship with their non-Rett child/children. The other is for the siblings themselves, allowing them their own, safe space to explore their feelings.

Food and fun

While parents are finding out more about Rett syndrome, we have lots to keep people with Rett as well as their siblings occupied. For young ones, there are activities like mini-zoo visits, face painting, indoor and outdoor games and arts and crafts. For the older ones, it’s all about pampering with foot spas, massage and nail painting. Our professional staff and volunteers will be there to ensure everyone is safe and well looked after.

As for food, everyone can tuck into a free buffet lunch and there are always plenty of drinks, cakes and biscuits available throughout the day, too.

* To find out about the next Regional Roadshow, check out Events 


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