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Eye Gaze Technology

Eye-gaze and eye-pointing are examples of communication where the person fixes his or her gaze on a specific item or looks at an item then back to you, as if to say ‘come on, I’ve made my decision’. Eye-gaze can also be used to control a computer.

No doubt you have heard a lot about eye-gaze technology and how it is helping people with Rett syndrome to learn and communicate.  But for many it is something of a minefield in knowing where to start.  There is so much information and much of it is confusing. We have written an article in our Winter Issue 2015 of Rett News which we hope will help you identify the routes to accessing the technology, the people who should be involved, how to apply for funding and to acknowledge that eye-gaze may not be suitable for every child.

Read the full article here in Rett News Issue 4 2015  and there is also a helpful paper on Communication Aids – Funding Sources produced by Smart Box. In addition, very helpful document  here Guidance for commissioning AAC services and equipment additions thanks to Janie Beaumont for sharing this, on the assessment criteria for Alternative and Augmentative Communication.


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