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Rebuilding Family Life Post Covid-19

Coaching Sessions

Thanks to funding raised during this year’s Big Give Christmas Challenge, as part of the project to Rebuild Family Life Post Covid-19, Rett UK are delighted to be able to offer 10 parent carers a course of 8 dedicated sessions with a holistic practitioner that can help coach them through a bespoke support plan, building their resilience, self – esteem and confidence to deal the challenges they are facing.

Janie Beaumont is a qualified Life coach & naturopath nutrition practitioner. Her life coaching skills enable to her practice a holistic approach to her work. She is also mum to twins, Olive and Tilda. Olive has Rett syndrome so she knows first-hand the challenges families face every day.

These are coaching sessions not counselling; identifying goals and supporting you to develop strategies to help you achieve them. Please note that we have limited spaces and consideration will be prioritised based on the needs of the families.

Please contact Julie Benson via phone 01582 798911 or email at Rett UK if you would like more information or to be considered for family support sessions with Janie Beaumont. Please include details for your reasons for needing this support with a brief outline of your current situation. 



Rett UK noodles – Are a set of short videos that may help with the incredible overwhelm of daily life for those affected by Rett Syndrome



The other element of this project is facilitated group sessions to help parent carers build essential skills in challenging & uncertain times; handling uncertainty, reducing anxiety, maintaining resilience, coping with stress, making difficult choices, dealing with change, influencing others, asserting gracefully. Those who are able to take up the offer of the individual coaching sessions with Janie are also welcome to join the group sessions.

Essential Skills Webinars & Workshops for Rett Families in Challenging Times

A series of webinars & workshops from Gooding & Wood to help you navigate the coming weeks & months.

Tackling overwhelm webinar
Getting to grips with what matters

  • Understand the signs that you are heading towards or at overwhelm
  • Explore different techniques to help you regain your balance
  • Build strategies to help you be resourceful

Tough decisions webinar
How to feel confident & grounded

  • Understand how to know what really needs to be tackled
  • Explore techniques to help you think situations through robustly
  • Learn strategies that will help you navigate difficult choices & tough decisions

Staying resilient webinar (part 1)
Mind techniques to keep you resilient

  • Understand how to spot unhelpful thinking and how it impacts you and others
  • Explore different techniques to help shift your mental state
  • Plan how you’ll use these techniques to help yourself

Staying resilient webinar (part 2) 
Mind techniques to support resilience in others

  • Understand different types of change and the emotional impacts
  • Learn how to shift unhelpful thinking in yourself and others
  • Plan how you’ll use these techniques to help yourself and others

Having influence webinar (part 1)
Getting in an influential frame of mind

  • Understand what is your best frame of mind for influencing others
  • Explore different techniques to help shift your frame of mind
  • Know how you can use these techniques to be a better advocate for your child and family

Having influence webinar (part 2)
Techniques to influence others

  • Understand what is important to know about influencing others
  • Learn how to anticipate other people’s perspectives
  • Know what it takes to stay solution-focused and influential with others


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